
I wanna know who makes Ron’s phone

Be reasonable.  If deSantis isn’t allowed to score cheap political points, how do you expect him to lead?

I suppose it exposes just how much surveillance the police are doing via drones now. Theoretically all of that info, including the recordings themselves, are subject to open records request via FOIA and state equivalent where applicable. Just like body camera footage, you can be sure that they’ll never offer such publi

ill hold out. i have seen a few “pranks” that had some egregious physical contact. im no fan of guns, and probably myslef wouldnt have hit him but im big enough that it would be difficult for him to harm me without a weapon, but a smaller, weaker guy(the sort that gets guns) who might have thought he was actively at

I’m more than inclined to believe that there was no actual “prank” and it was likely just straight up harassment at the minimum.

The fact that he won’t say what the “prank” was leads to the possibility that it wasn’t just a simple “prank.”

I’d love to know what this so-called prank actually was. The only thing I’ve seen was one site said he had been right up in the guy’s face with his camera. It seems like they’ve been proud of previous times they’ve annoyed and harassed people enough they get angry, so I’m not completely surprised their “pranks”

Between none of the reporting describing the “prank” and a cursory view of their channel, in addition to their statement that they’ll continue “pranking”, I’m more than inclined to believe that there was no actual “prank” and it was likely just straight up harassment at the minimum.

I’ve never gotten it... the whole “YouTube Prank” fad, even years ago in the early days of YouTube, they just felt really cringey and 99% of the time scripted if not blatantly malicious.

Yeah, if the “prank” was pulling a fake gun on someone or “joking” about bodily harm that might paint this in a different light.

Any reason none of these posts actually say what the nature of the “prank” was?

Any attempt at comment from the alleged shooter or their legal representation?  Forgive me if I don’t take Cook’s “simple practical joke” statement at face value.

Posting is his “passion,” he told the news station, so he’s intent to return to YouTube.

Movie made on beloved decades-old nerd property made for wider audiences?

Or, equally likely, Germain just didn’t enjoy this film for the reasons he gave.

I’m imagining he’s upset because it feels out of place in a Mario movie.

This doesn’t surprise me given it’s an Illumination film. I actually kind of like the minions movies, but only in chunks. They’re goofy and vibrant and look great and have the occasional great physical humor jokes but the stories are so paper thin that they start to get really boring about 40 minutes in. It really

Almost like this dude is a total grifter with a proven track record of overpromising and underdelivering.

I don’t know that I’d call anything about The Rings of Power "excellently crafted", nor did I find the silly revelations at the end to be a reward.

I’m so,so behind on my watchlist, and there’s so much material out there, I will 100% bail after one or 2 eps if I’m not feeling it.