Omg. I’m not someone who has always felt a calling to be a mother - not everyone is. I’ve openly questioned whether I want to have children, but since I met my husband have felt more sure that I want to have kids.
Omg. I’m not someone who has always felt a calling to be a mother - not everyone is. I’ve openly questioned whether I want to have children, but since I met my husband have felt more sure that I want to have kids.
My husband and I were just saying how annoying she is. Like, if her parents had that taste in music it would be one thing- but for a kind her age to be like “hey mom and dad let me school you on some deep cuts” — not buying it.
So you don’t actually know any. Cool. Way to be a judgmental asshole.
Here’s a tip - I don’t care what you think.
Keep telling yourself that you - a non-addict - are capable of accurately describing what addicts experience. You’re embarrassing.
Lol - please, tell me of all the very pleasant, well-adjusted addicts and alcoholics you personally know. You are hilariously ignorant.
Um yea, it is in most cases — reading up on addiction explains that dick behavior towards others is an effect. You tried though. Let me know about all of the really super pleasant addicts you know personally.
Um yea, that’s really not something that makes him an asshole. You sound like the asshole for turning someone’s dependency and subsequential withdrawal into them being “difficult”.
Awww, your dad sounds like a good guy.
Really? You never get shit right. This shouldn’t be a surprise.
Ok, so how much of this is playing to the trashy dynamic of Trump supporters that would do this same thing - and how much of it is just that Kellyanne is white trash?
Eh, I mean they’re actually very similar in nature just because the original is pretty mellow.
Not sure if you’re asking or telling - but I think it’s an open secret -at least in the industry- that Denzel DOES step out on his wife. A friend of mine has first-hand knowledge of this and I was soooo disappointed.
Is Beyonce’s snapchat secret if she, uh, uses her real name and has a verified account? That seems to me to be the opposite of secret, but what do I know
No, people should not wait until they have kids. This is all something that should be laid out and discussed well before a baby is brought into it because shit can get really ugly really fast. My former brother in law lied to my sister about wanting kids and she had to go through IVF. He finally admitted that he was…
**I replied with this downthread but I wanted to make sure you see it because your concern is absolutely valid. If you are having doubts TRUST YOUR GUT. The story I posted below was happening while I planned my wedding a year ago and it really caused me to think long and hard about what I was getting into**
This is so true. I’ve mentioned it here and other places on Jez, but my sister’s ex was VERY abusive. It started with being controlling over how they spent money - he then would get upset if she threw something out in the trash that he thought shouldn’t be thrown out. He would dig through the garbage and put food back…
My sister went through a VERY similar situation, except her ex lied to her about wanting kids and it fueled resentment from him. They separated(for unrelated but VERY fucked up reasons) got backtogether because my sister had the same fear as you. Eventually her ex snapped one day and attacked her in front of the kids…