
Toy companies have knows this fact for years....

@8x10: Bad timing was a rushed ending for a canceled show, so I wouldn't call it a cliffhanger. But even so, it did get a NOOOOOOOO from me when it aired.

Lets not forget Pandorum

@Oroka: I'd like to see him earning the rank of captain rather than defaulting into it after everyone else died. His ascension would barely make sense on a Klingon ship....

Streaming something either means

Hiding your SSID isn't a security feature as such, but i is a clear signal to any potential hacker that you probably know what you're doing, and should they choose to try and hack your setup, they will have to jump through a dozen different hoops just to find out that you like to google lolcats

I'd like them to hire a competent writer and director for the next one.

If he's got such a problem with sunsets why do the cut out windows clearly resemble a sun and its rays

Its clear the cable's are holding up the poles

@Scaramanga9: True, but the best use of Khan was in Star Trek 2.

@WookieLifeDay: Hmm, Google agrees with you. Damn, they always make that guy seem huge. God damn trickery...

@Angry Robot: Sadly I have not yet been able to manage to erase that travesty from my mind. (also, that was about blowing up stars... shameless nitpick I know)

@WookieLifeDay: I'd love to see a pulled back version of that shot with Shatner standing on a crate of beer or something.

@darue.keller: Star Trek WASN'T about blowing up planets. Sadly, it is now....

@Mark 2000: I'd agree with you there. That last movie succeeded on one level only, it was a great buddy movie. The tried and tested characters played off against each other perectly.

Ugh, this talk of Khan annoys me. That set-up only worked in the 2nd movie because Kirk and Khan had a history.

I'm sorry, but this movie is awful. Apart from some decent 3d effects, everything else is just an insult to human intelligence.

@mike_311: Try going into the Device Manger and opening up the properties dialog for your wireless adapter.

@Bs Baldwin: As good as ever probably. The masses are too stupid to research their purchases.

@BazookaJoe: You're assuming that the cops will be 100% honest in charging people with offenses to cover their quota.