
@Lupison: You'd load your child into a killing machine?

This is gonna sound kinda harsh, but modern society has done away with natural selection.

Whatever they send out there better be 110% sterilized of all terrestrial microbes.

That hair pulling thing towards the end reminded me of a part in The Fly where his wings are starting to grow...

My problem with Caprica comes from the fact that, for the whole BSG universe to work, we have to accept that the "genius" Daniel Greystone decided that it would be a good idea to load the personality of a snotty 16 year old into his new Terminator.

Wow, I had no idea writing an alien invasion flick was so difficult that you had to go and steal the other guy's ideas.

You know this shit is why they killed Optimus Prime in the cartoon? Twice.

@gstar: Yea, like one of these

I think the saying "mad as a bag of cats" can be put to rest now.

But this list is 99.99% of what the internet is?

Where the hell did the pictures of the other kids come from?

"For consumers—especially for the more than 100 million people who already have iOS devices now"

Ah hell, there goes my house.

@Dirk Anger: Yes, that's right, you can go ahead and do that... everything will be fine

This guy could make a living supplying these to Dead or Alive players

Just back from a little drive....

You just know some dip-sh*t is going to think this is some new Farmville game and just keep clicking all the seats....

Hope everyone there has their wireless network secured...

@rathat: But then you would have made 6 people... Can't really complain about low numbers with that attitude.