

Is Jair Bolsonaro secretly Robotnik? Thinkers are seriously questioning after a baffling series of tweets.

Hidden Variable is the studio responsible for Skullgirls Mobile; the franchise itself is owned by Autumn Games, who severed ties with Lab Zero and Mike Z yesterday.

Boxen is a old-school geek term for a flock of boxes, typically referring to computer towers. Seems to have originated on Usenet in the 1980s, though it was repopularized in geek circles by Cory Doctorow.

Don’t count on it, some of the most abusive assholes are still at Ubisoft, according to a report by Gamasutra. While Guillemot talks a good talk, he and his family refuse to walk the walk -- as long as Guillemot continues to coddle abusers, bad managers, and serial harassers, Ubisoft is still on my shit list.

This is going to look crisp as heck on the Analogue Pocket.

After their somewhat messy separation from Square Enix, yeah. Wouldn’t wish Square Enix on anybody.

An old coworker and I nearly came to blows arguing over which was the superior subterranean tunneler game: indie sensation Spelunky or the stealthy Sony exclusive Spelunker HD.

Now playing

Between Spiritfarer and Mixolumia, this has been a very good week for chillaxed games.

Really excited to sit down with Spiritfarer and get lost on the high seas. :)