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Have you ever seen his Omaze Valentines Day video? It validates your hypothesis.

I love coconut but this made me laugh out loud.

Love this idea.

I laughed too hard at this.

This is an excellent comment. #fuckraisins #chocolatechip4ever

Fair point.

Starred for “Satan’s propaganda.”

Kids also have a way of shifting priorities into focus. You start getting pretty purposeful about where you put your attention, in part because you’re way more sensitive to not wasting time, short or long term. I got much sharper about what I wanted and how to get what I wanted (and much better able to get what I

Do what’s calling to you. Kids complicate things, but they don’t shut things down. I was almost done my PhD when I had my first - I was teaching as a sessional and expected to continue that, finish the dissertation, do a post-doc that was already lined up, get on tenure track, etc, etc. But having a baby skewed the

Yep, that’s her, in my experience. Truly a friendly, kind person.

See my reply to phonatical ;)

It was a service trip to Haiti, a few years back. It was associated with a media story, hence her inclusion. It was just five days, but we were a pretty tight little travel group, staying in accommodations well below anyone’s usual 5-star standard, eating dubious foodstuffs in dodgy vans on terrifying mountain roads.

I don’t watch the Housewives (any of its iterations) but I’ve spent time with her (like, traveled with her - long story) and she is, honestly, a genuinely fun and pleasant person to be around. It is sad that this didn’t work out.

Also: Schmidt.




Thanks for saying so :)

Yes! Just commented about this! SO GOOD.

She had that reality show years ago (what even was it called? Can’t be bothered to Google) (had to Google: COMING TO AMERICA) and she was amazing in it - funny and smart and so watchable. It was kind of a shock, but it changed my opinion of her *entirely*.