
I don’t think so. We looked at the values they were choosing to prioritize and decided that we didn’t share them - certainly not in this political climate. But it wasn’t just that - we also didn’t agree with the cookie sales model, which doesn’t teach entrepreneurship, as they like to claim (it’s anti-entrepreneurial,

The Girl Scouts marched in Trump’s Inauguration parade and got pissy when GS parents reacted badly.

#truth re: weekend camping.

My kids go back to school mid-August so we’re almost done with holiday stuff. We went up to BC in June to visit family (well ahead of wildfires!), and did a camping trip with some other families the other weekend. And we just did Las Vegas & Hoover Dam - I had a business trip and convinced hub and kids to come along

A week and a half or so, for me. I had four removed, no complications, but MAN it sucked. Keep up with the painkillers, keep ice/frozen peas on your jaw (I wrapped a bag of peas in a scarf and wrapped it around my head; I looked like biggest dork but it helped) and try to get variation in your liquid/soft foods diet

what am I looking at here? is that... a cookie butt-paddle? ... for MILFs?

Exactly. The Leftovers was unique and fleeting and genius. Westworld (which, again, I loved) was flashy and fun but it didn’t raise the bar the way The Leftovers did - and it will be around for awhile to collect its awards. And the performances in The Leftovers were across the board awesome (Justin - Thereaux, unless

I said in another comment that Carrie Coon should’ve been nominated for her (genius) work in The Leftovers. But the show itself should’ve made the drama series cut. I loved Westworld, but The Leftovers was pure brilliance. It was like nothing else on the small screen.


Carrie Coon *should* have been nominated for The Leftovers; she was beyond brilliant as Nora Durst. (The Leftovers itself is a big oversight here. One of the best drama series, full stop.)

A *female celebrity* who we’re all supposed to hate because she’s not an Approved Feminist (TM) (see also: Taylor Swift.)

Some of the comments on this post are making my blood run cold. Women can be MAD SHITTY to women who don’t pass their approval bar.

You ‘know’ her well enough to judge a situation better than professionals close to the situation because you’ve followed media about her? Look, we all form opinions about others based on stories we hear... but try to remember that opinion is not the same as knowledge. She seems terrible to you; to someone else (me)

Was coming here to say this. Her vet is *also* publicly confirming the story. But it’s Lena Dunham, so <shrug> let’s just go with the armchair concern-troll takes. /s

SAME. It’s horrifying.

It covers a vast area and varies wildly - there are lovely areas and there are dodgy areas (not unlike LA!) Big Bear, ski area high in the mountains, for example, is in that county. So is the town of Joshua Tree, in the high desert. (We have property in the Joshua Tree area and love it madly.) Some of it is very close

Friends of mine that know him (very well) have nothing but the best things to say about him. By their accounts he’s an awesome human being (and his daughter is, too.)

House of Lies

This. The media invents an entirely hypothetical squabble while she maintains complete radio silence and it’s somehow more evidence that she’s insufferable? Our yearning to hate on successful women knows no bounds.

Okay, this is now what I’m having for lunch.