
I started following this story yesterday, while collapsed in an exhausted heap after hosting one three-hour party for 160 people, with my business partner (she and I both former media execs, in our forties), a highly experienced production team, fully onboard musicians and entertainers, and a well-established catering

But getting cut off from your community if you leave a church is absolutely a thing that happens with plenty of faiths. You can get killed for it in some parts of the world (especially if you’re a woman.)

Like Little Darling, I didn’t take that way at all. I thought that it was a sharp, nuanced take on the absurd pressure to breastfeed - pressure that comes from outside, and from within. Making Marnie the voice of hyper-alpha ‘breast is best’ dogma made it clear that it was misguided, even damaging - and Hannah’s

Why do I know all of this, I need some Proust or something. #fail

What a beauty. So so sorry.

That kind of hostess is exactly what we need!

so so so so sorry :(

Thank you! It was a *process*, that’s for sure ;)

Thank you :) :) :)


Here’s why I recoil at rejecting/disparaging princesses: it contributes to the social coding of ‘girl things’ as weak, stupid, unworthy, and unchoiceworthy. My personal ‘oh shit’ moment was when my then-4 year old daughter asked me - after I’d rejected a princess snowsuit but happily approved of Spiderman snowboots -

This really should be the top comment.

I highly recommend it. Super smart content - and it delivers (pun intended) hope for our cultural future.

I’m a 46 year old with a subscription to Teen Vogue and I make no apologies.

You would be surprised (maybe?) at how many people do. And they miss ALL THE BEST PARTS!

Did you read an unabridged version? That’s the best, the whole bonkers sweep of it.

Absolutely. Shade from small children is the most savage shade.

The Famous Five TV series ran in the late 70's, I think - and the George character was treated really authentically, if I recall correctly. And Peppermint Patty (from Peanuts) is probably the gold standard for masculine-identifying/presenting characters. You’re right that we’ve moved backward in a lot of ways.

PRETTY KITTY. /insert-hearteyes-emoji/

Keep your friendship with each other strong. Friendship is what sustains a marriage. Romance and passion fluctuate over a long relationship, but in a good marriage friendship is constant. (Married 20 years as of September 2016 ;))