I’ve met Grover. Hands down most exciting moment of my life.
I’ve met Grover. Hands down most exciting moment of my life.
Same. The rest of America can keep This Is Us and its soapy hanky-clutching. I want my heart ripped out of my chest and my brain melted. Give me The Leftovers.
Kittens died and angels wept.
Their pain was self-inflicted because they didn’t abort? You don’t see how that at best that sounds... cold? And is it really that much different from telling someone like my sister that she could have avoided the ‘self-inflicted’ pain of watch her son die, if she’d had an abortion and just opted to not give birth to…
My sister gave birth to a boy who had a genetic disorder - one that will kill him, and that renders him extremely disabled. She had refused genetic testing - not out of religious conviction, but because she knew she wouldn’t abort her much-wanted baby no matter what. Sometimes people just know that they don’t want to…
I am also a bad (lapsed) Catholic - my understanding of the birth control thing has always been that interventionist birth control (like a condom) disrupts the natural (God-decreed) cycle and harms (condom-caught sperm tossed in trash, or eggs prevented from developing) the pre-human/baby matter. Rhythm method, on the…
As others have said, in these cases there is more often than not no reason to ‘ascertain further further truth’ - in many cases, good reason not to. Amniocentesis carries a notable risk of miscarriage (and it’s a horrible procedure to go through) - and because genetic disorders don’t have prenatal, natal or usually…
Two, over the course of two years. One was just regular boob lumpiness, the other was a cyst (with, yes, burning sensation.) Both times terrified, both times RELIEVED.
Was going to cite Person of Interest. Absolutely seminal television; amazing that it came out of CBS.
This needs way more stars.
Nah. This kind of thing happens all the time. Every woman I know who has worked mid- or senior level in tech/media/entertainment, at start-ups and major multinationals, has heard (or experienced) a variation of this HR story. They assume you won’t sue. Because you won’t. Unless you’re pretty sure you’ll get a big…
Women having access to birth control and abortion = women having control over determination of paternity. Takes a lot of historic power away from men.
Love and hugs and so much sympathy to you.
No, it actually is in her interest to change it. If the Hollywood system were more meritocratic, if people in decision-making positions cared more about making good movies, diverse movies, if they believed that films could be led by actors who are NOT white men (known or unknown) and be successful... there’d be more…
Maybe not, but the studios don’t see it that way. They just don’t. It’s not right, it’s not rational, but it is the way that Hollywood works. Movies get funded on the basis of what a handful of middle-aged white guys think. Full stop. So folks who want their films made work within that system (hacking it as best they…
Starred for “mitten on their doodle.”
Said pretty much this, above. This film wouldn’t have been greenlit without a name. Getting movies funded with female leads - especially action or sci-fi movies with female leads - is HARD in this town. There’s no alternative reality in which this big-budget genre flick was getting made with a lesser-known actress of…
I agree in the abstract, but the reality of how movies get made in Hollywood runs against this, and it’s not in Johannson’s power to change. It’s likely that this movie wouldn’t get made at all without a ‘name’ actress (consider the fact that Marvel likely won’t make a Black Widow movie, even *with* her name.) The…
A+ Calvino integration
/ deletes John Wick from Netflix queue /