

Nah, you’re right. Reality is more balanced. I do think moms are more sensitive to judgment (real or perceived) when it’s all new and babes are young - but it mostly mellows out. You find what works and get comfortable with the idea that ‘what works’ looks different for everybody. I’m pretty slacker in my parenting


Terrible name; lifesaving product.

They’re awesome. If I’d known about them when my kids were babies I’d have coveted them hard (and then probably tried to make my own.)

Sure - but I also could have just borrowed / tested after she arrived. Hybrid crib/toddler bed is good call. What I called a bassinet was actually a Moses basket with rocket/stand. It was a lifesaver - it stayed beside our bed so I could nurse easily, and the basket lifted out to use in other parts of the house.

Ain’t no shame in just using a regular cardboard box though.


Don’t shell out for anything major until after baby arrives. We never used our fancy crib, because our first went from bassinet to toddler bed (she haaaaaaated the crib). We never used the Baby Bjorn or wraps, because she didn’t like being swaddle-carried or carried in any manner that didn’t allow her to look and

You could spend $1200 on a SNOO. Or you could roll like the Finnish, and use a cardboard box.

I like you.

Came down here to say exactly this.


Thank you! (And I wished after the fact that I’d read French’s books in order so that I could have appreciated the unfolding of recurring characters more.)

Have read every single Tana French book so am grateful for the Denise Mina reco. Is she as good as French?

Just doing my part for population control.

In that moment things were already so horrifying for me (having my badly shattered bits resewn together) that the finger getting stitched into the mess was just an awkward blip. Dr WTF, though - I’m sure he never lived that down.

Literal LOL.

She wasn’t - it was a precipitous labor/birth (happened SUPER fast; baby basically exploded out of my nethers) and it was long over by the time she got there. And it was a shitty stitch job but there was so much blood and it was so urgent to stop it that they had to work blindly and quickly - war zone conditions - and

I met her a few years ago at a private party and had a long conversation during which my inner voice was just clanging DON’T SAY STUPID THINGS DON’T SAY STUPID THINGS. Can’t remember a word I said but I’m semi-confident I obeyed that inner voice.