
My daughter is ten and it is easily ten times harder than when she was one. Babies you just have keep alive. Kids you have to worry about not damaging their psyches (AND keep them alive, and not hating you, and all this while they turn into emotionally volatile assholes.)

I was doubtful, not at all fearful, just doubtful that I wanted to be a mom. Then I became one, and the doubt went away, but the fear sure as fuck kicked in hard.

I was deeply ambivalent about having kids. I ended up with two, and sometimes it’s reeeeeeally fucking hard and I have had lots of moments where I’ve really disliked the work of parenting, but I have never for one second regretted having them.

She is pretty in a kind of severe way. She’s very friendly and funnier than I might have expected, had I known more about her before the trip. Treats everyone like a chummy girlfriend. Likes to gossip about EVERYONE. Prone to bursting into song. Super likable, really. I mean, she pees in bushes and sings her greatest

I traveled to Haiti with Luann (long story). I had no idea who she was, really, having never seen a RHONY episode, but she was certainly bigger than life and although it was annoying at times, at other times it was kind of lovable in exactly the vein that your comment points to. She’s very HER. Any time I read a post

The latter.

I desperately want that resource! There’s one book that I only remember the basic plot of - teenage girl has affair with older artist (I think they might have been in Paris?), something, something, ends sadly. The sort of story that would NEVER fly now, and I’m curious mostly because my memory of it is as a story that


My husband was 45 when we had our first, almost 48 for our second. Lots of dads his age-ish with kids in same range where we are (LA.) Don’t sweat it.

Bourbon here, but yeah.

If it helps to know this - I love LA. Looooooove it. My kids love it, my husband loves it, we all love it. We didn’t know we’d love it when we made the move, but we do, and we’re so glad we did it. Hopefully you will be too!

I live in LA, two school-aged kids; we’re Canadian (Toronto). We’d heard the same things, although we were coming from NYC so we’d already gone through the culture shock of looking at private schools. But we had our realtor focus her search on areas with excellent public schools, and turned up quite a few options. We


Me too. Right out loud.

Thank you for making the most important point.

I came here to say exactly this and went looking through comments to see if anyone had said it first. Because yes. Infantilizing drinking is stupid for about 6 thousand reasons, but also, Jesus, LADIES. You’re fucking grown-ups. Comport yourselves as such. Not least because when it comes to drinking in front of kids /

This. I respect sharks. I want sharks to have their space. I just prefer to avoid encountering them in their space. Because sharks, ffs.

Um, yeah. Sure. Every time I go out on my board I am aware that I am on the surface of an environment *where sharks live.* Thing is, though, that I put a lot of faith in the fact that shark attacks on humans are rare, and that, if there have not been signs of recent shark activity in the places where I am putting my

Yeeeaaaah I was planning on taking my board (and kids, etc) to Morro Strand for the long weekend and now I really have to rethink that.

In my opinion, yes. Very. I love mine, madly, and could never go back to regular blenders.