
In other words, these jerks RUINED a beautiful and rare Lambo. This is REALLY sad.

I fully support this. Anything that increases the odds of the users of self driving cars offing themselves is a good thing.

I have a very simple solution: Hire an equal number of “Grid Boys”, and have them wear outfits just as revealing as the ladies. Something for everyone!

This thing will kill you faster than two day old gas station sushi.

Now playing

“Rational Minds” pretty much eliminates all Republicans and most Democrats.

I have to wonder if this Doctor (if he even exists) has been within a hundred feet of Cheetoh Brain? I really doubt it. Even if he *did* meet with Reichsfuhrer Vladimir Trump I have no doubt he was “told” what results to report.

Future Darwin Award Winner! With any luck his embarrassing demise will end up on YouTube.

1956 Pontiac Club de Mer - just gorgeous!

Nothing went wrong. “Oh that classified satellite? It ... exploded .. yeah, that’s the ticket” 

I once willing bought a Ford Pinto...

Chrome is better for some websites, Firefox for others. Firefox has a richer feature set, but Chrome is faster. This is why I use both.

There should be sensors in the bridge that detect when a too tall truck is moving too fast to stop in time. When this happens, an anti-tank rocket should be fired into the engine of the truck. This may not stop the burning wreckage of the truck from hitting the bridge, but the videos will be MUCH more entertaining!

Someone needs to tell Torch - we just found the new mill for his Pao

Torch you glorious madman, you are exactly right! I had a Gremlin back in the day, with the help of an SBC and dual coils I ate Quatros for lunch, breakfast, and late night snacks

So if the driver is depressed, it drives them to the Ice Cream shop? Now *THATS*a feature I could go for.

Sorry, you’re wrong, this is the best color