Public Sector unions are the worst sort of greedy scum. I see no hope for NYC unless you find a way to be rid of them.
Maybe after they convict that human scum Barriss, he should be shot in front of his family. Or at least that’s the way it would be in a just world.
Want Want Want Want Want
The correct amount for those of us who worship at the Church of Saint Jeremy is
Found one!
CorVETTE, no...
Thanks! Love the music, have no interest in playing either game.
Or better yet, no, because STD is utter crap. Watch “The Orville” instead. you wont regret it.
Or better yet, no, because STD is utter crap. Watch “The Orville” instead. you wont regret it.
I am not even slightly surprised. Religion is the biggest scam of all.
So the average car will be the GMToyChryHonFord Blurry McBlurface?
Santa Would not *have* to win, because he’d have a special gift for Gojira (something that would remind him of happy childhood days - say a model of the first hamlet he stomped). The gift would melt his heart, and then Santa would be able to let the reindeer retire, and invest in an atomic monster powered sleigh.
Great article, but the 747 is not the most iconic airplane - this is:
Da, Dat is Nice Price Comrade!
I don’t see this as good news - Electric and Hybrid vehicles need to stand on their own merits. What if I don’t have a car? Why should I pay for this benefit?
If you *need* an autonomous car, there is already two good solutions available - Busses and Taxis. Also we need to make our driver training conform to a national standard conform to German or Swedish levels of training.
Even though my local friendly pizza place (big shout out to Louie’s Pizza & More in Colorado Springs) eclipses Pizza Hut in quality, I still like Pizza Hut. I never had a bad pizza there, and the lunch buffet was awesome when funds were tight. Plus, on the rare occasion that Mom didn’t want to cook, guess where we got…