Maximally Starred *****
Maximally Starred *****
That happened to me a bunch of years ago, 10 seconds after flipping me off, the asshat plowed into a parked car, and two policemen who were grabbing lunch nearby arrested him immediately. Guess how many empty bottles of booze there were in the car?
Never played it online, but when I played at my FLGS I never had anyone be rude or insulting no matter who won. Epic battle between my Suicide Rat deck, and my opponent’s Blue Denial deck. Fun times (lost 3 games out of 5)
Who the fuck cares what Harris and the losers at Flop Gear do? No true Jalop cares about the pack of losers on the show. When Clarkson EtAl do the review, I’ll be interested. Thank god Real Top Gear (aka The Grand Tour) is back as of today.
Miata is never the answer, go buy yourself something nice.
Ben Collins (sacked Stig) for the new tame racing driver, and you know, actually bring on some Celebs and *do* interviews!
if by “Cool” you mean “Hideous”, I’d agree with you. This is really terrible.
As long as you don’t have any caramelized onions, you’ll be fine.
What about DUI/DWI? I would think that would be BY FAR the largest cause in fatal crashes.
I predict this poor kid will be spending a fortune on therapy when she grows up.
I had this growing up. I watched the moon landing live. I was already a huge lego fan, but when this came out I had to have it. It was the ONLY thing on my Christmas list that year. I had an amazing amount of fun with it. Sadly, 3 or 4 moves ago, it disappeared. I really wish I could afford it now, but I have much…
I had this growing up. I watched the moon landing live. I was already a huge lego fan, but when this came out I had…
Skyrim on the Antikythera Mechanism is barely playable, but hey.