For those two privileged white bitches tarring and feathering would have been the appropriate response.
For those two privileged white bitches tarring and feathering would have been the appropriate response.
The Trump is a Misogynist, Racist, Bigoted Moron Turnpike
Or better yet, if the kid keeps ignoring your texts, just take their phone away for a week. THey keep doing it, they don’t need a phone, OR just give them one that can ONLY make calls and texts - no games, no apps.
You can be loving and supporting of your Mom, and still not support her idiocy in being a fan of Cheetoh Brain. If it had been me, I would have refused to go out with her if she was wearing that shirt, and I would have calmly told her why it was so offensive. THen I would have either stayed home with her, or if she…
My password is a string of four words in a foreign language that has meaning only to me. No special characters (unless the stupid rules of the website require it). Time to guess? 15 Septillion years.
Won’t be hard to find, just look for a Challenger with Trump bumper stickers
This thing screams “Death Trap, But I Welcome Death’s Sweet Embrace Over Being Seen In This Lame Ugly Excuse For A Car”
Once voted “Car You Wanted Most To Punch in the Face”
The name of the new model is purported to be
This skel needs to be caught, dipped in honey, and dropped on a fire ant mound - that will teach him about getting burned
This is because most players treat “Lawful Good” as “Lawful Obnoxious”. I have seen this first hand in many games. I have run many LG characters over the years. One incident stands out in my mind. I was playing in a pickup game at a convention. I was running my Paladin Anthony, my friend was there running her Chaotic…
So the whole thing was a lame ploy to get attention and drive up views on his stupid blog. Instead of ignoring him, we gave this frakking attention whore exactly what he wanted. It’s a pity that he was sold a new Telsa - if I were Elon Musk I’d have blacklisted him.
The Nevada state officials who supported this should be arrested for malfeasance. FF was always a scam, anyone who believed that it was anything else is a fool.