Won’t be hard to find, just look for a Challenger with Trump bumper stickers
Won’t be hard to find, just look for a Challenger with Trump bumper stickers
This thing screams “Death Trap, But I Welcome Death’s Sweet Embrace Over Being Seen In This Lame Ugly Excuse For A Car”
Once voted “Car You Wanted Most To Punch in the Face”
The name of the new model is purported to be
This skel needs to be caught, dipped in honey, and dropped on a fire ant mound - that will teach him about getting burned
This is because most players treat “Lawful Good” as “Lawful Obnoxious”. I have seen this first hand in many games. I have run many LG characters over the years. One incident stands out in my mind. I was playing in a pickup game at a convention. I was running my Paladin Anthony, my friend was there running her Chaotic…
So the whole thing was a lame ploy to get attention and drive up views on his stupid blog. Instead of ignoring him, we gave this frakking attention whore exactly what he wanted. It’s a pity that he was sold a new Telsa - if I were Elon Musk I’d have blacklisted him.
The Nevada state officials who supported this should be arrested for malfeasance. FF was always a scam, anyone who believed that it was anything else is a fool.
Print Media is dead, Facebook is a steaming pile bantha poodoo. In the era of Cheetoh Brain Fake News is believed and seized upon by the drooling drones who supported him. Frankly if all the print media went away, I think it’d be a good thing - it would save a lot of trees. I see only two sources of news I can MOSTL…
Want to fix the NYC Subways? Make it a law that all subway management and their families MUST use the subway every day, You will be AMAZED who quickly things will get fixed.
You sir are a curmudgeon, who clearly hates fun and cars. Hand in your Jalop card immediately. Our agents will be coming to tow all your cars away. Since you hate fun and cars so much, you can use public transport from now on.
Good for Mr Williams! I hope now he sues the crap out of his asshole neighbors for harassment.
Faraday Nofuture and LeEco are both scams, and always have been. Anyone who believed otherwise is a fucking idiot. If you invested any money in this scam, kiss it goodbye.