this shitshow is NOT Top Gear, its a pale and feeble imitation. Real Top Gear is on Amazon now and it’s called “The Grand Tour”. No right thinking Jalop gives a crap about Flop Gear anymore.
this shitshow is NOT Top Gear, its a pale and feeble imitation. Real Top Gear is on Amazon now and it’s called “The Grand Tour”. No right thinking Jalop gives a crap about Flop Gear anymore.
This is very possibly the most CP car since that former manure truck that was still on fire. And it that manure truck would likely smell better!
Next up, Torch finds a one off prototype VW Mid engined sports car with a Frunk & a Trunk in a forest in Latvia
Its sad to vote CP on a Subie, but the body kit & non spec rims ruin it. I did take my RS & turn it into a firebreather with an engine swap, so I WANT to like this car, but I just cant
Another feeble, and ultimately futile attempt to raise the Flop Gear brand for the dead. Give up already.
The Prius is a crap car that is the exact opposite of sporty, Owning a Prius says “I hate myself, please kill me to end my torment”. Its not even a good economy car.A BMW Diesel will outperform it in every way, look good, and still have that sweet BMW handling.
I am sure this living piece of excrement will end up in Cheetoh Brain’s administration somewhere, instead of in a deep dark jail cell with a 300 pund black man for a “Boyfriend” where he really belongs.
I don’t understand all the hate for this unique & beautiful vehicle. There is nothing wrong with this truck that a nice Mustang crate motor could not solve.
OK, lets cut through the BS. This movie WOULD NOT BE BEING MADE without the star power of ScrJo. This is the reality. So get over it.
I think a spark-negotiator is needed in any car with Lucas Electrics
The death of another scammy religious leader does not trouble me at all, its a pity she hung on so long.
Its long past time to nuke Detroit & pave it over. No one will miss that shithole of a city.
I have a self-certified flamethrower I’d like to sell you...
Sorry, no offense, but this guy LOOKS like a scumbag - and before the torrent of replies accusing me of being a bigot, its not because of his skin color - he looks like he’s on the tail end of a 3 day meth bender. If I were a parent. I’d take one look at him and decide to drive my kids to school.
Or cars, or TVs, or anything else. If I BOUGHT it, I OWN it, and I can do anything I damn will please with it. Sure, maybe I will void my warranty by doing so, but that’s MY decision.