
who says Germans are no fun?

Not shown: This car leaving the scene

I just have one question. Why haven’t you pathetic losers over at Flop Gear given up on trying to make a car show when you suck worse than a broken vacuum cleaner full of rat turds? Seriously, just go home now, your services are no longer required or wanted.

I really feel sorry for the Brits, but here in the US we shot our own head off when we elected the Moron in Chief.

Are you kidding me Kirsten? This shit show is about as far from a good car show as a clapped out weasel infested Yugo is from a Veyron. Please ignore Faux Gear, and instead support The Grand Tour, AKA Real Top Gear.

I had one of the exploding Pintos - need I say more?

You sir, are a True Jalop! I applaud you!

the crap the BBC is trying to foist off on the motoring public is NOT Top Gear, and never will be, not any more. Just give up already, instead of trying to beat a few pounds out of a dead horse.

No, we don’t need to talk about Flop Gear. It sucks utterly, lame and boring. The Beeb just needs to give up on car shows, and set the Stig free to join the cast of Real Top Gear (aka The Grand Tour).

Great article, thank you! These assholes styling themselves “Uber for Planes” seems really appropriate given what a shitty company Uber has turned out to be.

what the devil is that??

M badges on tricyles

This has to be Photoshopped

The correct answer is: Lifetime Bus Pass

In other words, Feminazi bullshit. Yes the birth experience should be as respectful as possible, but the safety of the mother & child takes priority over everything else.

Challenge Accepted

This thing:

Up until now its been a closely held secret that one of these things was actually built and deployed...

Pats the Predator Drone on the nose (gently). You will be missed old friend.