Yay yet another anti-GamerGate post from Kotaku
Yay yet another anti-GamerGate post from Kotaku
i think you are being unfair to TB and moderate GGers. The things I've seen TotalBiscuit complain about have actual evidence to back it up. I didn't hear about this story until today but I'm more casual GG supporter but I immediately was very sceptical, the Phil fish thing is interesting though and more reason for me…
What are you talking about...? TB has never attacked feminism at any point.
Anything for page views, right guys? But nah, you're all "journalists".
The only way to deal proper damage to bad guys in Dying Light is by hitting them in the head. Or, before that: knocking out their legs so you can bop them in the noggin. Turning off auto-aim for melee and ranged weapons makes landing precise hits very tricky, which helps bring out that feeling of desperation that…
It's been used to death, but is oh so funny none-the-less. Can we talk about how dark the Super Bowl commercials were this year?
ugh Patricia still works here. Haven't heard any totally sexist super feministic article lately. Why isn't a female lead character in every game?
Mm it struck me as popular because of all the publicity and hype. But the IP being owned by another group is what I thought. Thanks for the response!
First of all Dead Island wasn't that popular. It was relatively popular for a Deep Silver game, but not as popular as the suits there probably had hoped. Plus it was more or less panned in Reviews, the second one as well.
Now this game might be similar, but it's clearly not Dead Island 3. It's more of a Dead…
Reports seem to indicate major multithreading issuex, with a single core getting stress to 99% while the others are being underutilized. Just like FC4.
Latency is certainly more arbitrary than handshake connection speed. If you were to base it off latency, you would have to do it within their network. Once you get outside of their network they have less and less control over it. Sure, you might want low latency for gaming and other tasks that involve lots of…
I think one needs to experience a life of chronic physical pain to know where he is coming from. A little empathy is not too much to ask.
Go fuck yourself.
She's doing it because idiots give her thousands and thousands of dollars in Kickstarter funds and ad revenue, and stirring controversy and being simultaneously hated and loved by two extremely divided factions is the easiest way to get shitloads of clicks.
They only do it for clicks.
Kotaku you have let me down once again. Here I thought GG has become irrelevent and you bring this dead horse back from the dead.
Well, he has 2 million subscribers sooo. He's a pretty big deal and has clout.
I want to design a game that has a similar feature. I would call it "junk swagger," and would involve a QWOP-like interface.
Any game that has a breast slider and a breast bounciness slider should be given awards.