
You being critical of a paragraph that was obviously written to be a playful metaphor certainly demonstrates your desire to sit high on that horse. You seem to be the only one in these comments confused about the context it was written in and as much as I'd like to continue this discussion on understanding English

The descriptive paragraph was not written to vainly portray "good" writing skills. "Good writing" is thankfully not defined by you. Get off your horse, we're sick of staring into its anus when you speak.

It's funny cuz it's true.

It's sad the dildo-bot wouldn't be able to get proper media coverage. A robot like that would have made the American TV show "Robot Wars" actually watchable.

BECAUSE NVIDIA IS THE FUCKING WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE PLAYED! You must know this EVERY FUCKING TIME YOU START THE FUCKING GAME. Run ATI? FUCK YOU! Nvidia is the way it is meant to be played, so get with the fucking picture!*(@^(*&dickbutt

It's a pretty freaking cool and different take on Asuka. The artist's model changes are an impressive shift that keeps the context of her character but does run that fine line on being downright blasphemous. I understand some fan's feelings though, us Evageeks are quite protective over this anime.

Nostalgia everywhere! I hope it has a way to set itself apart from the masters who perfected the sidescroller.

It was the EXACT same thing with Ghosts. This issue was never really brought to light though because the game blew.

That doesn't mean I'm now not shocked, saddened, and horrified when real world tragedies occur, but I don't want to take them even slightly less seriously as a result of the entertainment I love. I'm worried, then, that I might not have noticed a small change for the worse happening in myself despite that. If nothing

I'm actually looking forward to playing it.

It's the only way my wife and I play actually! Two gaming PCs in the same room. We've been romping the new Borderlands pretty hard... we can't wait for FC4 to come out!

Am I the only one who doesn't care for this game? I played it for an hour and haven't picked it back up. It just feels like I've done it all before (AC). The RPG elements and the captain system are okay I guess but they still feel tacked on and they don't bring anything that interesting to make me care.

Move on? Fuck off? Do your homework, kid.

Good Game, Stephen. Keep passively pulling the social justice strings by weaving a story with a moral that is irrelevant as long as it benefits your obviously corrupt and bias news outlet. You disproportionately approve comments of readers against Gamergate, favoring only those individuals that support your

Check your privilege, Player 1. You may believe you are a warrior, but you are no match for the Orcish Justice Warrior.

Trailers like this tell me Assassin's Creed has it's head so far up it's own ass it's ironic it can't tell if these games are starting to stink.

Maybe that's a good thing? This game looks insanely fun. It plays a little like l4D meets a MOBA except it's much more competitive and looks stunning.