Her Royal Empress Dr. Bufflekins III, Esq.

People are born whole. Baby boys don't need their dicks altered and girl children don't need their clits cut out along with their labia minora, and then to have their labia majora sewn shut. You would think that would be obvious. I can't offer an educated perspective, but my dear friend just went to Egypt where 75% of

These ladies can do whatever they want. I ain't gonna hate on any of it.

The clothes get a little precious, but I like the household stuff. Also, sometimes cosmetics are good—those pretty Paul & Joe lipsticks? Ugh, but yeah, this "handcrafted" stuff is made in China, mostly. The apparel industry is crazy, total crap costs $350. I know because I worked for people who made the stuff.

LA is the first place I've lived that I felt truly happy on a fundamental level. The illusion that's constantly sold to the world is so obvious here, it makes it easier to break free and just live, and there are a million interesting things and people, everywhere I go. But then, I'm from Utah, maybe I'm just shallow.

OK, so people don't have compassion for these gals. It's about them hating their bodies and not being good enough for themselves. As long as they have this impossible standard, they have a reason to remain not good enough. It's self-abuse. It doesn't make sense but it doesn't make sense when people become addicts or

First thing that came to my mind as well. I forgot he was Season 1 and 3. Seemed like a creep then, more like...*vomit belch* (excuse me, that was incredibly impolite of me). I also remembered that guy who was the stylist, the very affected one with the cane and the long coat who was busted (was he convicted?) for

I don't want to marry him, I want to be a person like him. And then marry him.

Eliminating "Disney" image:

@Jezebelmoe: OK. After I posted I saw your post. And...good christ it's her stylist that's got Frida Kahlo for a role model. Ugh.

That is one gorgeous girl. I'm pretty sure she's got Frida Kahlo in her bag of role models, and let's hope she could give fuck-all about what anybody is saying about anything about her. We need more girls who feel that way.

Though it would appear many of you are great shots, just a note that for most women, packing heat is a very dangerous way to protect yourself. Even with training.

Regret the long post but have wanted to post these scientific findings for posterity.

@SarahMC: Keep trying sweets, maybe you'll be able to drink like the pros, someday...aging helps.

I'd rather date the dude who drinks so much that it makes me look like I barely indulge at all. It's vanity—I just don't like being the most effed-up one.

this thread is getting really narsty

It's all about the epilator, those little wheels of tweezers. Recommended by women of nordic, germanic and persian descent...

Too bad all the chicks who would really inflame his sexually-expressed neediness to be told he's pretty will never date him because he is poor. Those chicks at the Playboy Mansion are attracted to money, that's pretty much step 1 with them.

Yeah, well Maxim has American Idol type "ideals" of beauty. Certain technical considerations, little eye for the soul of it all. I don't know why this shift happened in men's magazines. It was only 30 years ago that men in the mainstream were still itnerested in looking at variety.

I'm a full official member in a man-movie club. The token vag. The trick is not minding that men mind so much...