
Extreme fandom is a disease no matter the celebrity, but wow, this is fucked up, no matter how you feel about a celebrity is never ok to threaten to kill them, please go outside and touch grass.

There are many things one could criticize Teigen for, but throwing a party themed around the biggest television show of the year is not one of them.

“If he is dead, she better be over it by now” made me laugh so hard.  In any other context, so cold, but here, could not agree more.

Just listened to the behind the bastards podcast about the duggers. They are fucking vile vile cultists

*shit like this is why I basically refuse to date men that are Rogan fans. It isn’t an immediate dealbreaker, but it is a huge red flag and there are a lot of follow-up questions when I find out.

As a non-American, I can tell you that it is NOT the flip side of American “Exceptionalism” ... it’s what literally everyone else in the world thinks about the concept.

People like this had fathers who were absent and they make jokes about it as a defense mechanism. They probably wanted fathers who were around, who made them a priority but they didn’t. So now in their jealousy they think no one else is entitled to that.

surfer are notoriously unfriendly people if you live anywhere near the beach. they are objectively territorial and not very welcoming of anyone new or inexperienced (occasionally justified, since it can be annoying if someone is inexperienced and ruins ur wave or whatever). not surprised they’ve decided to be assholes

Somehow I can’t help but feel the only people who lose here are the teens who would have benefitted from the funding that would have been provided.

I thought it was just me! I’m 6'7" 285 and basically stopped going out because people would start shit with me.

Free speech means the government can’t throw you in jail for talking against the government. Not that people can’t have an opinion about what you said. Not that you can’t be held accountable about the things you have said. No one has prevented Dave Chappelle from saying what he wants to say. His special is still being

A penis itself is not an inherent threat to my safety as a woman. To borrow and perhaps improve an NRA idea, people are not raped by penises, but with them. And other things, of course. There is a comment here that uses the word “dick” quite a few times and reduces all of human interaction to women’s bodies being

Great point. I found this line in the write up funny...

Holy hypocrisy Jezebel. Are you fucking serious? How many actresses have you raked over the coals for answering, not answering, working with and justifying their existence near Woody Allen?

I thought it was a pretty solid answer - he didn’t want to talk about it, he made that clear, and he was classy about it. I’m not sure what else you could want in a celebrity non-response.

IMHO Ben Affleck was great in Gone Girl. 

Ditto on “pro-immune system”—this should mean you are pro-vaccine! Your immune system is not going to feel very well supported when it gets swamped by an unknown attacker that it’s received zero training to combat. It’s going to be like, “You KNEW about this thing? And you didn’t think to WARN ME?!”

Stop moralizing food.

We keep the door open and hold entire conversations during #2 here in the Eagle Nest, both cats hanging around as well. We are happy and this has not hindered our intimacy. It’s more that we both strive to take care of each other when we are old and so being open is important to us. I wouldn’t install a side by side

We all make choices that one day we might regret. I have a few that I regret now and a lot more that I’m glad I made. Most of those decisions, no one harps at you about potential regret. Having a baby, though, it’s relentless. Some people regret having children. I would rather regret not having children than regret