
Should a person be punished for their race?


For my sistas in the Bay Area, UCSF has the Black Wellness Clinic which has all Black providers, staff and students.

Just because he is not pro-choice doesn’t mean that his advocacy for women in sport is all performative. It’s quite plausible that Curry really does care about equal opportunities for women, but has also been indoctrinated into the religious dogma that personhood begins at conception, which makes him conflicted about

I agree with this. I don’t think George Clooney was waiting to be “taken seriously”, I just think Amal knocked his fucking socks off. Hell, I’d marry her if she was interested.

I think you’re doing Amal Clooney a disservice here—she’s not just some trophy wife, or a well-bred race horse. If George Clooney said that he dated around for as long as he did because he wanted to be reasonably certain he could not possibly do better than whomever he ultimately ended up with, and that person turned o

I know she’s exhausting, but I think it’s fair to call out adult men who pursue teenagers. Particularly because there is the question of willingness at a time when you haven’t even come into your own, figured out who you are, etc.

I mean, teens of all genders with their raging hormones fantasize about attractive older people, especially teachers, all the fucking time. That’s normal. What’s not normal is for the teachers to take advantage of that.

I mean, I appreciate the power fantasy that the military would intervene AND do a murder or two as a little treat but I truly do not s the military interfering on behalf of the American people when this happens again.

Because the people with the power to hold them accountable do not care.

“Catholic Anarachists”

Its just an unaged fossil fuel. 

I skimmed down through his actual letter. He opens with bankruptcy and the bad political process around the bill. He closes with what appears to be a strong “leave the kids alone”. Many people feel you close with your strongest argument. The guy is going against his party’s current white-hot obsession. I’m willing to

Right.  But I don’t see how your comment is an example of your grumpiness.  In fact, quite the opposite. 

While we applaud Cox for his small mercy, it’s also clear that empathy for trans kids and their parents is not the governor’s primary motivation.

Maybe it’s just me being grumpy lately, but can we at least acknowledge that the man did a good thing without picking apart the motives? Motives can matter, but right now? Where so many people’s rights are in jeopardy from the republican party and every little bit fucking counts regardless of where it comes from or

Honestly, as someone with pretty terrible adoptive parents, I hope they don’t inflict their parenting “skills” on any more kids than the one(s?) they already have. And people shouldn’t adopt because they can’t have kids naturally - the motivation should always be to find the best solution for a traumatized child.

ii) he’s going to county jail, not prison, so he’ll be out in about half the time, and again, it’s county jail, not Oz.”

Tell me you’ve never seen, been to, or heard of Cook County Jail without telling me you’ve never seen, been to, or heard of Cook County Jail. 

Can’t tell if you are trolling or genuinely don’t recognize sarcasm/that the OP shares your point of view. 

Getting knocked up by your asshole on-again/off-again boyfriend: Understandable. Shit happens.