
The combination of correctness and excellent HP references in this post make me very happy. Well done. 

Exactly this. It is a deliberate strategy to reframe the conversation - they KNOW news outlets will pick this up, the pics will be reposted a bajillion times by the “why can’t we all just get along” idiots, and then the cops will end up looking like they’re being reasonable and any violence is the fault of the

I think part of the point is that how we (white women) feel is kinda irrelevant and we shouldn’t be using airspace or internet space to deal with our feelings about things that aren’t happening TO US. Like, we should deal with how we feel in private and then show up when we’re ready to be productive, not post about

This is a really helpful explanation, thank you.

I do NOT understand renaming children if they’re old enough to know their name already. It seems so cruel and traumatic. 

I love the idea of parents carrying the kids’ stories, but those stories belonging to the kids. Thank you for sharing that!

I’m a white woman. Yesterday we had a white woman call the cops and explicitly use them as a weapon because a black man had the audacity to ask her to follow the law, and today a video surfaced of a white cop kneeling on a cuffed black man’s neck until he DIED. I frankly don’t care if white women are offended by

But the thing is, she wasn’t using the police as a “protective agency” here. She was using the police as a weapon. 

And that she wouldn’t just shut up and take all the abuse they heaped on her for having the audacity to be black and successful and female. 

I read the whole Twilight series when I was a teenager and there is absolutely no reason they couldn’t have used a real baby for this. The premise is that she grows extremely fast and then stops aging at 18 or whatever, but they absolutely could have cast a series of similar-looking white children because the series

She probably won’t serve any time in prison because of COVID. She’ll probably serve house arrest (for 2 months) and get to quietly do her community service far enough in the future that everyone will have forgotten about it.

Antipathy means a strong aversion or dislike of. I don’t dislike them, I just have less than zero sympathy for them. 

My partner and I have been quarantined in our 1-bedroom apartment since mid-March. We have a cat and no yard and are both working from home. My desk is in the bedroom and his is in the living/dining room. I have NEGATIVE sympathy for people living in mansions. 

Could also be his wife thinking boys were “easier” or something. There are plenty of ridiculous ideas children espoused by both men and women.

Well said.

Biden is old as hell and appears increasingly mentally unwell. Chances are good he’ll be a one-term President and it’s not out of the realm of possible that he’ll die in office. That means who his running mate is matters a LOT.

I don’t think you meant it this way, but this reads to me like a pretty mean and classist comment.

The solution is meeting the workers’ demands for adequate pay and protection for doing what has become a dangerous, and was ALWAYS a critical, job.

This is a real bad take, Lauren.