Hephen Starper

People who prefer the Summer Olympics to the Winter Olympics mystify me. Shit like this is so much better than horsefuckers dancing to shitty string-quartet covers of pop music.

She Czeched both boxes.

I like sites like this because they shatter the idea that only white people are racists. Black people can be just as racist as white people. Sure, there is a difference because institutional racism is often (but not always) perpetuated by white people. That said, there’s also a difference in how racism is treated by

Aw, sounds like somebody keeps getting REJECTED by white girls.

Ill come by when I need my shoes shined.

Your pussy ass wouldn’t say a damn thing, you’d sit there there staring at the floor, admiring your walmart kicks and tubesocks. shut yur bitchass up and go back to whatever ghetto your crawled from.

Liverpool fan here, we have a metric fuck-ton and are ready to release it upon the next bloke who even looks at us funny. Yes I’m reinforcing this article.

I’m pretty sure it’s just LaVar in a series of ridiculous disguises that don’t work.

Not just the South. I still got half a bottle of percocet 10's after my northern dentist prescribed 50 of them when I got a single wisdom tooth pulled. Needed one. The rest are for super hangover cures.

British hooligan assaults younger brother of respected Ukranian politician.

so you missed that world famous 7:1 he played in for Brazil? He was really bad in that one.

Ah, like the swallows returning to Capistrano, here comes the predictable and reassuring deluge of Real Madrid fans explaining how, actually, it was Real Madrid that was hurt by officiating blunders, just as they have been the aggrieved party in every match they’ve played since the game of football was invented. It’s

If this were the KHL that’d be a cigarette in his nose

I can say with 100% certainty that in my days of doing coke, I never once tried to capture the moment for the sake of prosperity.

You are smoking pot wrong. Pipe stays outside, smoke goes in.

It’s a very common and usual place to do business in Korea. I think your cultural outrage is pretty narrow minded.

Blazing Taek. So woke. Much bae. Savage AF. Slaaaaaaaay Qweeeeeen, Yaaaaaaaaas.

The third act was everything! I saw it in a crowd of almost entirely Black people. We were all cheering.

I’m a terrible human being. Please mock my death when I’m gone.

But where did the bag come from?