Hephen Starper

Fucking thank you. Am I the only same person left or is this website just full of whiny children.

And the liberals are doing the same thing, whats your point

Melodramatic isn’t a name, it’s an accurate descriptor. You should also try to find something better to say than the equivalent of “I know you are but what am I”. Nobody is unsafe or victimized because the guy you don’t like won the election, to act like they are is the very definition of melodramatic. You really need

No, you are not fucking normal. You need serious psychiatric help if you can’t eat because of the result of an election.

Must have clicked reply to the wrong post, one of you said it.

So, that meaning...what is it again? Or is it just another opportunity to have a circle jerk in your echo chamber?

Seems less like energy and more like impotent rage.

“I am so over everyone in these goddamn comments taking a steaming pile of shit over the protests because they can’t seem to find a meaning in them.”

You’re not actually discussing anything, you’re whining.

Ah, so you can voice your feelings, but when other people tell you you’re being melodramatic they’re “full of hate”. Newsflash, just as you can voice your feelings, other people can voice theirs about your reaction to a fucking election. And you wonder why people call liberals hypocrites? Are you really so obtuse as

You need psychiatric help if an election result makes you cry. You are much worse than emotional, you are hysterical.

No you didn’t gag you melodramatic little bitch. Relax yourself.

You wouldn’t be complaining about how rigged it was if Trump won the popular vote and Hillary won the electoral college. You would be praising the system and deriding and silencing any Trump supporters who mentioned his popular vote victory. You’re the worst kind of hypocrite, you’re not even self aware enough to

I don’t understand why you think people who voted for trump would care about not being invited to your “faggy wedding”. I knew liberals were idiots but you have got to be a special kind of moron.

“righteous anger”....you spelled impotent rage wrong

Ah so it’s not an issue when the DNC rigs the system but when someone you don’t like wins a fair election now its suddenly rigged. The mental gymnastics you’re willing to go through are astounding.

No, this is you whining because you didn’t get your way. Pull yourself together you fucking spineless losers.

Why is this not surprising.

You are fucking pathetic.

Who ties your shoes for you in the mornings? How do people like you even exist, you’re pathetic.