
1800 sales in the first 12 months and here are the stats behind the sales. So yeah GM & FCA if you’re reading, we like Muscle cars. Put the wheel on our side and ship them over.

Lot of A7 in the rear end there.

I have a 5 year old son who absolutely loves cars, and have been trying to get him to start watching a few races with Daddy this summer. He loves Ferraris and the color red, so naturally, he picks out Vettel’s car in every F1 race we watch. He was so excited after this morning’s win he ran outside and did laps around

Since Aston M is British - it is actually a rumour, not a rumor! (grins)

[My morning coffee was rather bad, but let's not have minor things spoil the day. Photo credit: Máté Petrány/Jalopnik]

Seriously though, if any company will spend the time, energy, and money to bring this back to life it’s Mazda...

Looks like a miniature Air Traffic Control Tower:

I knew I shoulda bought that baseball made out of Secretariat when I had the chance

I used to love F1 cars as a kid. Sadly the closest I’ve ever been to one is this:

How can you not love the ridiculousness of The Superhuman Gambit! A super hero and super villain terrorizing the town! The Mechanist vs the AntAgonizer!

"Does making men think they're going to potentially have sex with Scarlett Johansson constitute cruelty to animals in some way?"