
The game between 0.08 and 0.27 is very, very different; definitely try it out and let me know what you think :)

If you want a game that’s focused on gameplay with porn only as an aspect of the game, not the core focus, yet still intertwined into the game’s lore and gameplay, look up our game, Future Fragments.


- The Future Fragments money we make monthly is about $6,000 or so after Patreon fees and declines, and I’m splitting that evenly between myself, the artist, and the programmer. So I’m getting $2,000-ish a month from that.

Nope, Nutaku isn’t Japanese, but they get Japanese games and such.

I try; this is something else that developers need to do, is to respond to people and give updates on things frequently and transparently so the people funding their creation know where their money’s going, where the project’s at, what’s being worked on and how, so on.

In case you didn’t see the links above;

Nutaku is pretty huge, being a subsidary of PornHub and all, and they’re basically the premiere western market for hentai games. A lot of us making hentai games used to work at large SFW companies as well.

Hey, developer of Future Fragments here; we’re releasing content and previews weekly, doing monthly demos, and unlike Breeding Season, multiple members of our team have released finished hentai games before, as well as each of us coming from backgrounds with 10+ years of experience in our respective fields.

On top of

They have, there’s multiple companies doing this.

Nope, not even close. Lots of other games are farther along and have been making more content much faster than BS ever was.

Nah, BS wasn’t even close to the AAA of western hentai games. There are far other ones with more content, better gameplay, better audio, better writing, the whole works. The art was solid, but that’s about all it had going for it. I posted a list of links above to better western h-games, but if it doesn’t get

There’s loads of more stable ones with content produced much faster than BS was.

It really seems like this was a case of poor management (HBomb), coupled by a case of poor attitude and spite (S-Purple).

If you got burned on this but still want to use Patreon, here’s some hentai game Patreons I’d recommend, as in they’re making steady progress and show no sign of collapsing like what happened here;
