I genuinely don’t get why people were so obsessed with this girl in the first place.
I genuinely don’t get why people were so obsessed with this girl in the first place.
(waits to see if that joke plays in this room...)
Swish Swish is a bad song, at least we can all agree on that, right?
I thought Katys song was about spit or swallow decision.
I worked with an Aussie guy that liked to go to the big local park and feed the raccoons because they are so cute.
The forced hugging he egged on after what he had just heard shows he was more than complicit. That part is truly unforgivable and disgusting because it was of his own doing entirely.
I love raccoons. However, no way are they a good idea to pet. I watched 3 of them try to lure a small dog into a swimming pool for nefarious purposes. They are crafty and not at all interested in being your friend unless there’s food involved. I am hoping your pal thanked you very much for making sure they kept their…
I had a friend who grew up abroad, and there was this one time I had to physically restrain her because she was trying to pet a raccoon.
What gets to me is, it doesn’t really matter if it’s playful or not. After every encounter like this—the gorilla dragging the little boy in the zoo, the Siegfried and Roy tiger attack, the orca at Sea World—there’s always a debate about whether the animal was playing or trying to help or got scared or was attacking…
Yep. Disney has a lot to answer for with regards to anthropomorphizing wild animals. We get a HUGE volume of tourists from Hong Kong and China in Vancouver. There seems to be a lack of awareness about large mammals and their danger. There are signs all over Steveston docks warning people not to feed any animals.…
Agreed. The flowery language in the article seems to be designed to make it look like the naive humans and the playful sea lion had a big ol’ misunderstanding. The sea lion let them know what time it was- they should have given him space. Situated herself . . . pleased by the sea lion’s sociability . . . frolicsome .…
“The little girl situated herself on the edge of the dock and, soon after, the sea lion jumped out of the water, very near to her face. From the video, this seems like a playful move on the part of the sea lion...”
Yet somehow necessary.
In before the debate even gets started.
Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?
I don’t think any amount of teasing would get my hair three inches think.
Same here. I’d read/heard about the episode with Russell Peters (was a huge fan of his at the time) and after listening to it, I decided to start from the beginning. After that I started looking for more podcasts and got into The Read and The Friend Zone etc.
Agreed. Especially because Taylor is giving all of us a break from her. I know it’s a pr move and it’s all to benefit her bottom line in the long run. But still. Katy is taking Taylor’s self imposed exile as an opportunity to try and run up the scoreboard with no players on the field. Also that song was not good.
Katy, I get it — the singles off your new album are sliding down the chart faster than a drunk frat boy on a Slip ‘n’ Slide. You’re angry, you’re sad. You’re losing your relevancy as a pop star.
I am probably alone here but this whole “feud” makes me like Perry less and less. She comes off as really petty to me. She seems to be the one intent on keeping it alive.