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What have they got some clairvoyant writing it?(cause he ain't dead)

Just thinking about it the origin for it all is in the past. Caused by the future but actually originating in the past (as far as causality is concerned).

Is that some sort of euphemism?

You've got the feel good hit of the summer right there!

Jesus h Christ, not everything has to be a metaphor. Not everything is steeped in double meaning. Sometimes a cigar is just a penis.

Yeah I can't really think of many more shows that had such a detrimental drop in quality as human target all for the sake of retooling what wasn't broken

Biological weapons sure but what he was describing was some sort of system which was supposed to kill 100% of humans. That's the only way his own plan would work. But what would the original purpose of that be? Terrifically lethal viruses sure, 100% lethal viruses, pointless and if your goal was to kill everyone you

While he was beating the guy he said he wasn't going to kill him. And he was acting kinda shifty. Plus conservation of character. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

Yeah except that it all sounded like complete bullshit. Im pretty sure he mentioned his method relying on there being programs (before everything went Pete tong) to kill all humans on the planet. And he would reverse the script to kill all the dead ones. Ok fine i suppose but who would want programs in place to kill

How do you even begin to design one of these things anyway? Do you start with a real map or do you pick a couple of key "routes" map them out than fit everything round it? Genuinely curious.

Personally I though cucumber snatch as smaug was completely underwhelming. It could have been anyone else and been just as good. I don'tget tthe superlative love for him anyway, he has no range.

Except that its fucking terrible, so it is. Are there aren't even any so it is/isn't (so their isn't). I think it supposed to sound like a belfast accent but to me it just sounds like her teeth are too big for her mouth.

You arent wrong. People sometimes ask me why I am so good with computers, essentially the reason is because I was trying to use them 20 years ago. If you wanted to use them you pretty much needed to know how to fix shit. Ancient networking was a fucking nightmare.

Second this, those precious people to whom knowing anything about something in advance of its release is a spoiler. I suppose you only read on or watch stuff you own once right?

This is pretty much how any non american always responds when there is late now night talk show host spam reported as news. I hate how its reportedlike they are rrelevant to global pop culture. They have virtually no relevance outside north america.

"Anyway, if nothing happens, it might be instructive to read in short bursts, revel in the sentences, like how you read poetry."
=> That sounds pretentious as fuck

Why! Who gives a shit about foosball! Anyone who does can go elsewhere, there are enough other places catering to the sports fetishists without you guys bending over for the page views too.