Henry Clay

all of these experiences were pretty easily avoided.

about to be a dick. this doesnt belong on deadspin, or adequate man, it belongs on jezebel. also, this is a whole bunch of nothing. dont put yourself in bad situations and you wont end up there. bring back gawker

i love deadspin (especially with gawker :( ) i hate barstool. i love dave. bartstool turning in to gawker deadspin circa 2014. the good old days. deadspin turning in to buzzfeed sports. pls fix

there are some good police. there are some bad ones. there is a real need for police reform in america. one way to do this would be to take away guns from street cops. give them a shotgun to keep in their car that requires a code to unlock. give them all high powered tazers. make them record everything. log these

you’re wrong! moving left is what just happened for the past 8 years (but they moved right)! come together in the middle, find common ground. most of the sane people in this country can all agree that the best way to go about things isnt just building and swaying an agenda as far left as possible, its finding common

na i think you are wrong

so this guy is bad cause he has a nice house?

the way I see it- blues had control for 8 years, if reds think they can do it better fuck it give them 2-4 years to show us what they can do. only choice

i read this, and i think im ok with that. i think. i hope

can I please intern here?

is ashley feinberg a real person or a bot

how do I get an internship here?

The artist, however faithful to his personal vision of reality, becomes the last champion of the individual mind and sensibility Against an intrusive society and an officious state
He has, as Frost said, a lover’s quarrel with the world
In pursuing his perceptions of reality
He must often sail against the currents of his

am i supposed to feel bad for these people?


kids just want to look like this dude. no kid is saying “i hate how white i am so i think being tan is better than that because this cartoon is also tan.” a kid is thinking “thats moana or whatever his name is, im tryna look like him.”


He didn’t cheat, he didn’t leave his wife. He would have been a significantly better mayor than DeBlasio and fought harder for the city than most people have. If Huma can forgive him, there’s no reason the public can’t. The documentary is great, watch it.

totally not jezebels place to assume any abuse by her partner-coach.

are they together? or was she just drunk