Willie hears ya Willie don't care

He’s over the hill, I think he needed oxygen when they took him out in the 67th minute.

Honestly hope this is something that negatively impacts FUT. It’s blatant gambling, with questionably fair coding sold in an E3 game. Big FIFA player but hate FUT with a passion.

Lucky for you there are numerous four year colleges that will take your money!

Counterpoint, it’s nice to have something that takes time and effort to be good at. That to me is fun.

Keith Richards seems to have won.

How on Earth have you rated Teddy Roosevelt National Park last? Has no one here ever been there. It’s probably still in my top ten.

Watched the game on the net, should have been 2-0 Imps.

Who sits in these meetings and decides what passes and what doesn’t? Do not want.

Ty Cobb was a bigger dick.

Step aside furiner an American’s gonna set y’all straight