Dr. Henry Killinger

Just in time for Easter, a fresh basket for all of our eggs!

One of the main reasons that people say that the economy is strong is because our expectations have been so lowered over the past 50 years.

Every metric, from media coverage and advertisers, to income levels of participants and supporters, down to even the background of who becomes pro players supports your point, but they’ll tell you you’re wrong because of the existence of municipal and public courses. Using that logic swimming is a poor people’s sport

Golf is the republican party of sports. You got rich assholes playing and wannabe rich assholes cheering them on.

Pelosi is a compelling reason for putting smarm limits on members of Congress.

As far as I’m concerned, if she were cornering the leftists in the hallways of Congress and growling, “Listen here you little shit” that would be “fine” because that’s how Congress business works. Maybe we’d hear about it in a memoir twenty years from now.

It’s grim and distressing that Pelosi and her corporatist buddies can’t just stay in their lanes and do the things thay are good at, and let other people lead.

She’s arrogant as hell. She seems to forget that this attitude made her the minority party leader for 8 years and she doesn’t seem to believe it can happen again.

Pelosi and Fienstein are two compelling reasons for putting age limits on members of Congress.

I know in my heart it’s all literally just to soothe the corporate donors and to keep her own power. I imagine that Pelosi and co. are really mad that the line of succession were interrupted by AOC and that has thrown off a number of long term plans. AND the DNC did nothing to nurture young talent after Obama won so

Right? Just what exactly is Pelosi gaining from constantly attacking her own party? It’s just fucking absurd!

To me, what makes me annoyed about Pelosi’s continued dismissal of the left wing is that she just...goes out of her way to do it. I’m not begging Pelosi to agree with the world view of the new generation, I know how futile it is to try to convince anyone past a certain age that there are other ways of doing things.

AND argue that she's a progressive at the same time.

I can’t believe that there are still these weird Nancy Pelosi stans, but they’re everywhere, and I expect the comments will fill up with them soon.

How can anyone look at the state of the country today and say “we have to hold the center” with a straight face?  Jesus Christ. . .

The Democrats are lead by a stupid old fool who is handing Trump victories and diving the party because she has a giant ego and seems to not understand politics on a fundamental level.    Pelosi does not care about responding to or respecting voters.  She is a fool to give answers like this.   She is holding the party

the Knicks were actively trying to get rid of him because he was too old and wasn’t talented enough to make the rotation.

Also the last to join the Union after the Revolutionary War.

It’s funny though because would air travel even exist without government intervention? Even forgetting the various state-run airlines, you’re still looking at airplanes whose construction is funded through government subsides, flying out of airports build by governments, staffed by civil servants (both managing

The older I get, the more often I find the answer is just capitalism.