Dr. Henry Killinger

101 was as far as you got. Makes sense

Im not the fucking federal government nor the fucking populace of the United States you pansy ass cunt. Im not thirsting for approval from the fucking internet. Im not a trust fund baby skating through life on investment income. Im not some effete twat pecking away from behind a desk while I look for stock tips and

Socialism is nationalism you fucking idiot. The goal is the uplift of the entirety of the nation as opposed to a winner take all - loser gets fuck nothing approach of capitalism 

Unless you’re fucking blind or have access to some really good shrooms, you’d notice we ARENT WALKING OR FUCKING CHEWING GUM. Right fucking now. You don’t get to tell people that haven’t been helped, “hang on we’re gonna help these other people - then - and we promise this time - we’re gonna get around to alleviating

Left Twitter, i.e., your little sister living in San Fran on her parents dime, feverishly tweeting from their local fair-trade hookah bar, are all about open borders cause it makes them sound more woke and they’ve never actually experienced anything in life, been forced to compete, or really do anything but blog

You explain to 100 million AMERICANS living in near poverty that actually they’re fine and we need to throw our support to poor Guatemalans and Hondurans.

Im waiting on him to say something stupid.

We dont accommodate our own poor and you want to add to that population

Resources motherfucker. We don’t distribute what we have to who we have. Until then, restrictive immigration policy.

Contrary to the “white guy on the couch who’s never touched a basketball” take, you can actually touch the offensive player while defending. Simple contact is not a foul

White Ethnocentrism is an ideology you fucking shut-in

The left is abusing its power by refusing to let me freely discriminate!

Bruh. Nobody is reading that wall of bullshit

And...he outs himself. You dipshits need a new schtick. “These are obviously bad people, but...”

Society. Collectivism. These are things. You should know more about them

“To begin with”

Attack. No weak sister, this “attack” isn’t imblematic of the left, your bitch ass is

Its graft you stupid motherfucker

Jordan overpaying FA’s is why the Hornets suck - he’s never been called a cheapskate you fucking fraud

City council, school board, state elections. Legislation is constantly being introduced and debated. Bring an informed voter means being informed all the time, not every four years you dumbass fucking peckerwood