Dr. Henry Killinger

But just like Cadillac, those dentists and lawyers and their fucking chrome and fringe aren’t buying bikes anymore cause they’re fucking old. And nobody else likes their tacky shit. So you embrace a new customer base or go out of business. Dipshits like you would go down with the ship, clutching a handful of leather

The market has its dick in your ass

That’s late stage capitalism dipshit. Don’t hate the player, hate the game

They were just waiting on some encouragement 

You’re doing gods work here

You’re doing gods work here

But can we survive until she runs for pres?

Wash your hair

I think starting out her campaign in a white out was an apt metaphor

You shouldn’t be allowed to do anything until you wash that greasy ass mane you call hair

You fat white losers that define themselves by the sports teams they follow are the biggest waste of space on this planet. Kill yourself. For the good of all that is holy. It’s your only shot at retribution. Kill yourself

Im confused. You don’t want to listen to the whole song? You just want to hear snippets and make 1000 song playlists? That you don’t plan to listen to?

I voted for her, so...

Im here like once a week - shitposting is you, Stig, and dudebra racing to be first on every thread on every platform.

So he’s your new Hillary? Not Kamala?

You gotta wonder why they bothered to buy it in the first place. Im assuming 2-3 years of ad revenue before it goes full belly-up, but that seems like using a gullwing benz (maybe an exaggeration) as an Uber

Uh - you STARTED the Clinton Club!

“This” isn’t teally a thing. Univision CRUSHED this motherfucker. Now it’s just mudslinging for mud’s sake. Not taking part in that either.

I worked at a dealership and have been in dozens. You live in a loophole

“For people who are using Bird and Lime today, how do we give them a much better experience with a Harley-Davidson brand and lifestyle?”

Bruh you’re literally the OG of “lets form a cabal to complain about a poster”. You get tired of jerking off Stig and wanna spread your wings?