Henry Barnard

Well apparently most people did. Clearly mutilating genitalia is completely fine but showing rape is simply unacceptable.

Then where is the line drawn? Sansa expected to have sex and knew she had to to get what she wants but was not happy about it. If that is rape could we not say that every girl who marries an older man for his money is getting raped when she doesn't want to have sex but knows she has to to prevent divorce? In all

Of course there is no justifying the horrible act. My point is only that Sansa knew what would happen and in that sense accepted it as a sacrifice to get what she wants, which in my opinion stops it from being rape, at least in Sansa's mind. Then again in Ramsay's mind no doubt this is rape, making his character

I actually agree dany was raped since the wedding was against her will. The difference with sansa is that she agreed to marriage when she had other options. And considering what sansa has been through, she must know by now that marriage and sex are one package in westeros. Therefore she knew what was coming and though

Can someone explain how this was any different to the dany drogo early scenes? From what i have seen this was just showing a stronger and less naive sansa who was well aware what marriage to any man in westeros meant. Its a barbaric society wherein wedding nights meant consummating the marriage. Sadly a lot of the