
All I wanted to do was wrap him in warm blankets, sit him in a very soft chair with plenty of room to curl up, put a hot beverage in his hands and respectfully talk to him, human to human, about my rape, and his, and how we do not have to act ashamed or cover our pain with laughter, talk, connect as humans with

I don't like to talk about this, but here goes... Some years back, I'm doing the dirty with my brother, Jaime. We're in this northern shithole called Winterfell. And then it happens: the Stark boy, Ned's son, storms in on us. AWKWARD! So obvi I had my brother throw him to his doom to protect our secret. But the silly

Once my roommate (who happened to be dude's best friend) walked in, sat down on the end of the bed, and asked what we wanted to do for dinner?! That pretty much killed it. We later had a discussion on "boundaries".

I can't believe red wine was eliminated so early. Or that vodka is currently losing to champagne.

Is she married? Can you imagine being in a relationship with her? I'm terrified just thinking about it. Open your phone to check the weather and she's like, "PORN! Why are you looking for PORN!"

I will take all of his face away from you. Because I am a humanitarian like that.

I would name mine S.A.D.A.C, or Sponsored Advertising Disguised As Content.


However, I really wish that Jezebel would stop with the sensationalist headlines and publish more than one type of cop story. These types of headlines (it happened again: everyone be afraid of police now) continue the cycle of fear and hatred of police officers everywhere and it makes their jobs that much harder.

Any news story relating to Pringles is being actively avoided right now.

If you really want to score in North Korea, make sure you openly mock Dear Leader Kim Jong Un: the ladies swoon for that kind of shit. And he's such a lighthearted guy, so no worries about being sent to a labor camp for the rest of your life, I promise!

How long before the tabloids claim Beyoncé is leaving Jay-Z for to be Obama's Kenyan second wife?

I just need to ask. Are you the real Henri LeChatNoir? I love your "l'ennui".

I hate reading about parents like this. My grandmother has 1 gay son , 1 gay niece, and like 6 "adopted" gay sons and daughters. They were friends of my uncle. She was took them in when their parents kicked them out. She was a church going woman but quit going because of the antigay nonsense. This was in 1967. There

Le Sigh indeed. Too often LGBT youth are subjected to this sort of violence from their families, social groups, faith, etc. Yet we have politicians using the fact that we win certain rights (you know, to make us equal to our cis and het counterparts) as the LGBT community being 'bullies' to 'get our way'. Example

Will the wine follow the example of the espresso at Starbucks and taste of burnt sadness?

I hope your grandfather can eat popcorn and watch while God sorts Fred's shit out.

I'm very sorry to hear about your grandfather. My own grandfather recently died at the age of 98. He was a brilliant, kind, loving man who lived a life richer and made more of an impact than Fred Phelps could ever dream of, and I have no doubt your grandfather could say similar.

I'm so sorry :( I hope he didn't suffer. Even when folks have lived a long life, it's still sad to lose them, obviously. I still miss my Pap who passed away at 95 2 years ago. My thoughts are with you and the rest of his family.

I'm sending you lots of internet hugs, I've been there.