If anyone wrote to an advice column about their elderly relative acting like that, they'd be told to get them to a doctor ASAP.
If anyone wrote to an advice column about their elderly relative acting like that, they'd be told to get them to a doctor ASAP.
I lost a lot of love for Once Upon a Time once Sherrif McHottyPants was killed off.
Miley Cyrus: Just the other day there was a post of a quiz "Are you feminist?" in which the only criteria was desiring equality. Which is super ass simple and which most people (including Miley) would have clicked yes to. And now this tid bit today. Perhaps there ought to be a quiz "Are you feminist enough?" in which…
so the government cant make people house soldiers, but can force women to keep a parasite in their womb? so much for equal protection under the law.
I love that she tried to move the barrier herself. Kind of proves how spontaneous it was and how unpretentious she is that she didn't wait for someone else to move it first.
For those who've never seen it. Ryan Gosling and Steve Carell, cloned into one person.
If anything he's better-looking than Gosling.
"Why would you do that? You don't need to put that stuff on your face."
Omg you are so right! There is totally NOT a huge long history of racists depicting black people as apes (they certainly didn't get in trouble for portraying the Obamas as gorillas during the campaign or anything)! This is just your standard monkey, who happens to wear earrings... and is that a hint of a grill in his…
Explain to me how the other world religions back up that assertion. And/or how we have proof that this is true.
Well, there's also some evidence that Scientology was founded solely as a commercial venture in the first place. I'm sure you can argue that other religions function that way now, but this is from its inception.
My husband, fan of redheaded girls everywhere (married to one and father to another), always refers to movie Ginny Weasley as "a waste of a redhead." I don't think she isn't attractive but she is like a wet paper towel compared to book Ginny.
Kristen Bell got harassed by a pap at the airport
See also: Hoult, Nicholas
Well, I mean, not REALLY, but in general I'm in a couple of secret groups on facebook where I certainly express myself more candidly than I would on my own feed and/or the feeds of others.
I will never get over my anger at how all the unattractive nerdy kids were actually the hottest ones in the movies (Hermione, Neville) whereas all the supposedly attractive kids ended up being not that good looking (Ginny Weasley!)
When I have been tempted to make fun of a friend's goofy looking baby (she readily admits he's got the crazy eyes), I remind myself that the kid who played Neville Longbottom was supposed to be unfortunate looking. Then he grew up into this:
I believe what you are smelling is the distinct stench of someone apologizing not because they are sorry for doing it, but for getting caught.