
If it makes you feel any better I totally would have turned around ASAP.

Lorde has opinions. Because she is also female, all of those opinions constitute "dissing", "hating", "throwing shade", "starting a feud", and "being a bitch". True facts.

I always take the "your evening cry" posts as a challenge. And I always lose.

I did not know that and I thank you for this valuable information.

I knew someone who spent a fortune on a bathroom renovation that included a gorgeous old claw foot tub, only to get rid of it because the water got too cold to fast. I asked him if he had used it correctly, and he looked at me like I was an idiot. "You fill it with water, you let the water out, did I miss something?"

How do you clean this thing?

They are. And I'm not just saying this as a fan. They're more toward the Jonas Brothers on the scale of Jonas to Bieber, but not in an annoying promise ring way. They honestly seem pretty normal and nice.

So now I hate her and everyone attacking her.

My hypothesis that I hate everyone has yet to be disproven.

I feel you... but I have my reasons for thinking he's just straight-up trolling and that he's just trying to say the most absurd things possible. The people surrounding him (i.e. his family and inner circle, some of which have public twitters, like his little brother) seem to be generally decent people, who

I am not even sure that "48 lays" means 48 separate people. It's possible the number of actual women isn't even that high to begin with.

Who attributed everything about her to her parents? I was just saying that they're doing a damn good job raising her to be her most awesome self.

The Governor presented cookies to women concerned about their reproductive rights and thought that cake was "a child's request" when I stood outside his mansion late at night with a protest sign.Do you think North Carolina's citizens fell off the turnip truck, Governor? Are you just that out of touch with the citizens

Of course she's not a prop. That's the cadence and presentation style of someone who owns the words she's speaking. And she warms up and gets better as she goes along. Actors/parroters don't do that. Only people with conviction do that.

Between her blog and her speech I can't believe that she's only twelve. Her parents should write a parenting book.

I am so sad this happened, but this girl is awesome for making a scene and standing up for herself. I'm twice her age, and I'm not positive I could assert myself like that in such a creepy situation.


I agree- the action is kind of disjointed. In fact,

I think this series was made to be on screen from the beginning. The books are fine, but it is much better suited to the Big Movie Franchise treatment than it is to the page. Plus Suzanne Collins isn't exactly a poetic writer. All her prose does is communicate action, which (IMO) is much better communicated through

"It has to be better because the book is not good."

Check your privilege, friend. That's the reality for a lot of folks working jobs in at-will states or that are low paying.