
Writing the screen play means that they'll be able to avoid some of the plot holes and narrative pace problems by actually revisiting the material. It has to be better because the book is not good. And time constraints will prevent us from seeing a flayed masala or boggs injuries, the absences of which won't detract

As I suspected, the movies are going to start getting better than the books from here on out.

More Adina Porter, please.

Be careful with that. It is also a signal that you are unaware of your surroundings- mugging and etc. I wear mine without music playing

She just disappears- I can barely see her inside the character, as usual. I feel like the only time I've seen HBC inside the character was Bellatrix.

Thank god there's one good thing coming out of the shutdown.

That is a really great movie ad. Jeez- nice work! I was not looking forward to the remake. Now I am!!!!

I think that's a great thing. Corporations do both good and bad things. I'm happier with the transparency about who does what.

I had planned on posting a comment along the lines of "how did the rest of then let him be pope?"

Man, the ramble had me fooled.

the comments are divided, but my money is on this being a dude

I'm happy to read a decision that distinguishes corporations from people.

I'm bothered by the stereotypes because I didn't know that any of those were Jewish stereotypes. Maybe because in my 24 years of living in some of the largest and most diverse Jewish communities on both sides of the US/Canadian border I must have missed some?

1. Russell, I like you. That's how you do a holocaust joke, isn't it? Pulling it out when other people are trying to hide it or hide from it? Maybe Yom Kippur is making me misty.

I wish there were no bags- they cover up all the clothes!

This is so pretty- I love the patten, the color.

These are so beautiful. They would make terrific minimalist covers for paperbacks!

I root for her every time! I AM SO HAPPY FOR HER!!!!

I wouldn't expect anything less than such a crass and gross comment from Anna!
