
Whatever the deal is with Robin Thicke, he certainly did not seem like he was enjoying his or her performance. He was barely singing/dancing at all.

I love Tim Gunn.

Well written books tend to make good movies.

Did Elementary bring back the sober coach?

Wow. I really hope this works out for them because reasons, but there might be some space for couples therapy given the nature of their meeting and the trauma of her ex. However, nursing and EMT services are staffed by mostly very giving people who care an awful lot. That bodes quite well for them.

Northern exposure but lawyers?

This is not a good career move.

Can we give Project Runway a bit of a hand here (ie. Heidi Klum?) ?

Clearly- I misspoke up there. No matter how good lentils are for you, you're certainly not in good shape if you can;t get enough.

Poverty has the opposite effect for the most part because the farm subsidies have contributed to a food supply where nutrient low foods high in calories are less expensive than nutrient rich food with any caloric concentration. In other places with high rates of poverty, the available cheap foods (lentils, rice, corn

I'm rooting for Mariah and nick Cannon. I love it.

As an actress or a hoomin? Because Ritter's really bad in V. Mars and only marginally better elsewhere, but she's still working.

I guess it's less that she's got talent and more that other people are really really bad too. :)

But the thing is, she;s better than a lot of working actresses. And I think also, she could get better.

You're totally right-so much less dazed.

If you could email the moderators at help@jezebel.com to remove it, that would be best.


He's Alonso Frame(sp?) He's already been on Dr. Who. I hope not. I want some variety.

Rupert Grint would just be so great in the role!

Based on that People review, if Lindsay's rehab sticks and she gets better and deals with her emotional issues, will the movie be less painful and thus good?