Henrietta Hat lady

I’ll start doing that up- and I bet it’ll work.

No she says it the way she would any descriptor, as though she had said something like “very tall” or “wealthy” or “American” or something like that. And she doesn’t just do it with black people. She would probably add gay in too, and she is one of the biggest supporters of gay rights I know. Marches in the parade,

My mom does that! Things like “There’s this great new couple -black- who moved onto the street, and she is 7 months pregnant too. You should introduce yourself!”

Thanks for the answer. I’ve heard my mother in law use it and haven’t worked up the nerve to argue it yet. It’s crazy to me because she is such a staunch 70s feminist is so many ways.... Didnt change her name, went back to work right after having each kid etc etc... But then also puts down women who DO change their

I’m asking you and ginger is a construct the same thing...What do you say when you are arguing that point? I ask because it makes me so so angry to hear the word slut used, or to hear any kind of slut shaming, but when I try to put it into words I don’t make a great argument. For example, a woman I know called the

What do you say when you are arguing that point? I ask because it makes me so so angry to hear the word slut used, or to hear any kind of slut shaming, but when I try to put it into words I don’t make a great argument. For example, a woman I know called the most recent bachelorette (Caitlyn) a slut, and I got pissed.

Take a look at this blog. It’s by a young woman with PCOS and her journey to fertility. She has a beautiful healthy baby now too. Click on “start at the beginning” http://www.lovefestjourney.com