
Seinfeld's luck is that there was no internet business writing reviews about each episode and analysing the shit out of every marginal detail. We just watched and had fun. And that's the way it should be.


I laughed a lot. And I laughed even more when I binged the whole season last night.
I don't get why comedy has to be so overanalyzed. From time to time I just want to be entertained by funny things for a night, between watching other shows which are challenging to think and talk about. Maybe not every show need a

I love the characters, but since it's based on one book, I don't see what a second season should add.
The fights between the women, which made a good part of the show, are over. I fear another season would turn it into a "Desperate housewifes" thing, where weird plot twists, mixing couples and a new neighbours were

Absolutely right. The genetics are respobnsible for abuse is utter bs. This is a social thing.