Henley Regatta

I know that no matter whose byline Random Roles falls under, there’s always going to be omissions of beloved or important entries from an interviewee’s filmography, largely due to the realities of interview time allocation, and editing. But in this case, to not bring up or publish the one major top-billed role for

Fatoumata Diawara - Fenfo

You lost me at “Morrisey says”...

  • Pretty much any company mention in the dumb-as-a-bag-of-hammers-but-goddamnit-it-makes-me-laugh Kung Pow: Enter the Fist (“Taco Bell, Taco Bell, product placement with Taco Bell...”)

This is terribly sad. I knew him a bit, pre-Oscar nominations - brought him in to a festival I was part of some years ago, and hung out with him a bit. He was a really nice guy, very cool, unassuming and pleasant. And, it goes without saying, talented. R.I.P. Jóhann.

Now playing

The weird thing about Mötorhead is that they may have been a monumental influence on both metalheads and punks - like a lot of old-timers say, this was the one band everyone cound agree on - but they clearly weren’t either. Or much of anything genre-wise, except a straight-up power trio that ditched the artsy

Sir, I represent Fox News and would like to sign you to ten year contract.