Benjamin Heneberry

"Solo tour".

God I hope they find him guilty.

I couldn't care less about Wonder Woman, but THANK GOD this movie is a hit - maybe now Marvel will get off its ass and finally make that Black Widow movie I and a million other people have been begging for for years.

I have nothing to add, but as a man I feel the need to make my voice heard anyway.

Yes, we should definitely abdicate all moral responsibility to the state wherever possible. As Bill Maher just proved, people also have a pretty shit record with the first amendment, so let's limit that one while we're at it. Gotta be consistent, you know.

Don't be an ass. I like Whedon AND Ozu, imagine that. Imagine, also, that there may be people who don't like Ozu (or any random filmmaker) and yet still have excellent taste, and opinions worth listening to. Almost as if viewpoints other than your own can be equally valid.