Hendrich Attila

If we are talking about Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, I am kinda ambivalent about it. On the one hand its a great unexpected product to a fan like me that can have this spinoff/side story that inspects some characters that had less time to shine in the comics (and the movie).

I dig the music

So the question of the day is: How is this game monetized? Ads? Single purchase? Cosmetic or gameplay changing MTX?

Yeah, I think so too, I’m just not sure at all, that there ever be a squeal in the end.

I’m kinda ambivalent about it, maybe?

The Multiverse, is so hot right now.

I mean, too me this feels less Utena then episode 1. But yeah, the vibes are still there, but its now definetly its own thing. (With a heavy dose of The Tempest symbolisms and Evangelion plot points.)

Oh cool. Looking forward to it.

Edgy tweenage me: Good riddance.

This is my take on it too.

I wish it would have been 1899 instead :/

I’ll just leave this here:

I saw a distinct lack of Mulefas. I’m now a very saddened.

Just want to reiterate to anyone else reading: This was not a “hey, this had girls love therefore Utena”, this had quite a few plotpoints basically directly lifted from Utena including the “Bride” having her little greenhouse. And the fact that there is a side character nicknamed Chuchu with two large circular

Putting the Demi-Trainer so low on the list is forgivable.

Just be prepeared for crying. This prologue was brutal.

Is this a prequel to Ex Machina? :v

One very important note about the prologue, that I would like to point out is

My current fave is Gundam: Hathaway’s flash. Even with it needing way more context to fully appreciate, I feel it’s also a really great first intro to the franchise for the uninnitiated.

The Digimon Tamers one, I wrote, when I was like 15 or 16.