
@DrTHE0P0LIS: 30 tons is not 6000lbs, but youre right its not worth that much money. brick is probably around $40-70 an ounce. closer to $50m, but i bet its only about 20m to the mexicans.

@EvilDroidClone: I dont really understand how you think $4000 somehow entitles you to so much. You do realize you use much more than $4000 worth of government funded resources right? Whether or not the tax money is spent correctly, we do have to pay for things. I pay over 4 times that in taxes and I still don't feel

@EvilDroidClone: $4000 is a pretty impressive amount to pay in taxes. With that kind of money I would say you must fund more than Gates himself, you must fund most of your city at that rate. To reiterate, your statistic was stupid, and it gives absolutely no insight to how much money a $600 billion charity is. The

@EvilDroidClone: what kind of stupid statisctic is that? Why the hell would you spread it to every person in the US when half of the Us could donate excess of their own. Money would have far less of an impact here than 3rd world countries, but even here, if you spread it between needy individuals that number could

My dreams dont consist of a chick that has been boned by thousands of other guys, even if she can use dreamweaver.

@Zonky: hey guess what, I was right and you are a complete fanboy/idiot

This actually makes me think the email was more authentic than I thought before.

@violent peas: droid incredible is absolutely better than the 3gs, but there are many more coming soon.

@Mr C: fring and qik already offer video chat over 3g on android. Ive been using it with surprisingly great results.

@anoteoftruth: you realize video chat has already been around. Ive been video chatting on my droid incredible for weeks.