
Korean kid from OC who casually throws around the N-word and threatens lynching? KNOCK ME OVER WITH A FEATHER.

I second this thought! You sound like a stinky loser, dude! Also his comment about wanting a small place with a kitchen & an internet connection so he could get constant surgery?? That’s not normal, dude!! If anything you need less internet!!

The whole article is worth a read, but here’s my favorite/dear lord help us all moment. After going on and on about how his appearance is keeping him from attracting the women he so deserves, Truth4Lies then drops this little nugget on us:

You shit yourself at work during a meeting. It’s obvious to all present—they can hear it, smell it and, as you run out of the room, see it.

Why should she talk about AMD chips in an article about Intel chips? That’s like going to a cancer support group and bitching that no one is talking about heart attacks.

A well-placed EMP blast over your street could also help. Just make sure to flip your circuit breaker first. 

At a certain point it’s just physics. With wifi you and everyone around you is sharing the same *wire* in the 2.4ghz spectrum (or 5ghz, whatever) that is also subject to interference from the air, your microwave, the sun, ghosts, and undercover Russian operatives.

He probably didn’t include it because Intel offered no detail, and there was no hardware to review, so all they have is Intel’s word.

I think it’s about time we see more trans acceptance in media—in ads, tv shows, film, everything. This was so sincere and touching that it kinda got me, I have to be honest.

Going to need to spread the word since that’s how most collisions are described in the media.

Yeah, thought it would be part of GMG style guide. 

Can we stop using the word “accident” to describe collisions. I know this might seem like a petty complaint, but it’s not—how we report and talk about fatal events caused by human-operated machines is important. If a late hit in football or a studs-up lunge in soccer causes a catastrophic injury, we wouldn’t be

She wasn’t catfished.

They need to be taken as seriously as white nationalists in terms of the damage they can do.

Guns were key to the Isla Vista gunman’s transformation from online ranter to violent actor. “My first act of preparation was the purchase [of] my first handgun,” he wrote of his shooting spree, which he planned for 18 months. “After I picked up the handgun, I brought it back to my room and felt a new sense of

It would be remiss not to note the role the current regime in the United States has had in fostering incel culture. Gamergate was a watershed moment in mobilizing online misogyny. Some of the key people fanning the flames of online anger associated with that event include Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos. They

Well, women are taught that a man is a necessity that they must earn, and men are taught that women are an entitlement they deserve.  Seriously, when I have you heard “you’ll never get a wife/woman that way” the way you hear “you’ll never get a man/husband that way?”

You are probably right.  But her defense would be “if I was not myself brainwashed, do you think I’d have gotten my daughter involved?”  And that would likely go a long way. 

Nancy Salzman deserves so much worse than she is going to get by pleading guilty. As the mouthpiece for this cult she legitimized the brainwashing under the guise of rigorous scientific process. It was her “research” that paved the way for KR to brainwash hundreds and abuse countless women. 

But it’s a tunnel, not like they haven’t been around for couple of centuries.