
America is such a deeply sick country. Sign up for endless, intractable wars justified by nothing other than their own length, after playing and watching media that strips those wars of all horror or humanity.

Wait, how in the hell was he able to survive that?

I dread games against shitty teams out West, Roethlisberger always plays down to their level. He threw five picks in a game at Oakland a few years back after clearly getting a concussion in the first quarter. Tommy Maddox blew a game against the Raiders back in 2005. It’s a real curse. 

This always happens in action movies - there’s a point where the hero is hanging by their arms from a thing, and they have to pull themselves up and keep going. I can’t physically do that, and I’m not sure I could do a dead hang for 150 seconds

I’ve had stuff disappear. And I built an amazing house, went out of my way to make it fit anywhere by building it inverted, and had to scrap it because the CAMP told me anywhere I put it that it was floating.

I’ve never understood these sort of piecemeal DLC release schedules. It’s not like the timed content in Hitman or other titles, which gives you a reason to get the game on release. They’re incentivizing you to wait for the cheaper GOTY edition that includes all of the patches, DLC and updates - the way I played Arkham

They’ll give him the first year in Vegas because he’s a name 

No Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth? or S.T.A.L.K.E.R.? 

I think “Guitar Control” is the perfect episode of Harvey Birdman, surprised it didn’t make the list. Great case, amazing B-plot, incredible cutaways, Yngwie Malmsteen cameo. 

I saw the premiere of Halloween at TIFF and it’s my favourite movie-going experience ever. So ymmv 

He has done literally nothing to make up for or address the fallout of his serial sexual harassment of the women in the NYT story and the other women who weren’t included, because it wasn’t just the ones on the record. I don’t understand why people are so aggressively defending a guy who appears to have done basically

Why exactly does Louis CK have every right ot get back on stage? What has he done to make up for what he did?

One person in your post is a serial sexual harasser, the other is a writer. You seem to reserve your venom for the person writing about the serial sexual harasser. Weird, dude 

How is it that you like Louis CK so much that you’ll defend him when he has done literally zero to make up for all the awful stuff he did? Like, we should have a road to redemption for horrible sexual harassers. But it should involve actual penance, not just going away for less than a year and completely failing to

How have you not had a relationship? You need some therapy, my man

You don’t know the term “tick-tock” and you criticize someone’s writing? And you also don’t know the connection between the term “Boom shakalaka” and thunderous dunks? You need to get on your sports, my friend.

Donald Trump enjoys >80% support among Republicans, they love the guy for owning the libs. Don’t pretend he doesn’t run the party.

What was the geopolitical necessity for invading Iraq? I’ll give you a hint: it doesn’t exist.

Fight Club is actually a good movie, in part because it’s an intentional subversion of what most dorm-room idiots think it is.

Yes, there’s lots of great business writing, especially about tech. Did you not see that time a great, dogged reported took down a multi-billion-dollar fraud? It happened *checks notes* last week