Why exactly does Louis CK have every right ot get back on stage? What has he done to make up for what he did?
Why exactly does Louis CK have every right ot get back on stage? What has he done to make up for what he did?
One person in your post is a serial sexual harasser, the other is a writer. You seem to reserve your venom for the person writing about the serial sexual harasser. Weird, dude
How is it that you like Louis CK so much that you’ll defend him when he has done literally zero to make up for all the awful stuff he did? Like, we should have a road to redemption for horrible sexual harassers. But it should involve actual penance, not just going away for less than a year and completely failing to…
How have you not had a relationship? You need some therapy, my man
You don’t know the term “tick-tock” and you criticize someone’s writing? And you also don’t know the connection between the term “Boom shakalaka” and thunderous dunks? You need to get on your sports, my friend.
Donald Trump enjoys >80% support among Republicans, they love the guy for owning the libs. Don’t pretend he doesn’t run the party.
What was the geopolitical necessity for invading Iraq? I’ll give you a hint: it doesn’t exist.
Fight Club is actually a good movie, in part because it’s an intentional subversion of what most dorm-room idiots think it is.
Yes, there’s lots of great business writing, especially about tech. Did you not see that time a great, dogged reported took down a multi-billion-dollar fraud? It happened *checks notes* last week
That’s a weird way to spell Fallout: New Vegas
Oh shit, children might find out about breasts. Oh man, we are so fucked
The story about Bekah (the other one) being reported as a missing person and turning up on a weed farm made her seem pretty cool. Then I found her Twitter and realized she’s even cooler than I thought!
Which part of history had the magic potions
The logic in this comment is a bit strange. The point of the piece is that not including black people is a conscious choice by the developers, and that they shouldn’t use the BS excuse of “historical accuracy” to cover for their choice. You then say that it’s unknowable whether or not there were black people there at…
> instead of shooting me some half-assed one-liner?
Your country is already super fucked up. How are you going to pay for their college? Or their healthcare? You should have moved years ago.
This is bullshit and you know it. Your criticism of all journalists everywhere is on the same intellectual level of Sean Hannity’s attacks on the media. Grow up.
It can be historically accurate or it can be familiar and easy to play but it can’t be both. The point is that the devs only claim “historical accuracy” when it suits them, and that they put no real effort into actually being consistently historically accurate. It’s an excuse to make a game exclusively about white men…
That has little to do with historical authenticity. The actual words and phrases used by the people around you aren’t remotely appropriate to the period. I’ll give you a hint: people didn’t tell you to “eat shit” in the 15th Century.
If they actually cared about historical authenticity, why is all the language in the game resolutely contemporary?